Gaspar Scholl Chafirovitch
Gaspar Scholl Chafirovitch – week 2 + 3 – decelerate
Oct 1, 2022
Ciao, bongiorno é hoi
Gaspar here.
The last two weeks I have been practicing to slow down to be ” present in time “. For this I have developed different routines, which I follow daily. These include:
physical exercises,
For the first time in my life, I start the day with the same routine over and over again. Reading, meditating, body exercises, writing, eating breakfast. And end the day with a routine. Physical exercises, writing – first with the left, then with the right – reading, sleeping. I establish these routines as an experiment, with no particular goal, but with curiosity about where it will lead me.
I draw what surrounds me and have begun writing haikus frequently. Haiku is a traditional Japanese poetry form. It is characterized by concreteness, presentness and openness and is considered the shortest poem form in the world.
Here a sketch and haiku I made last week down by Lago Maggiore.

Guck! Ein Salamander faulenzt in der Sonne.
“Sasso” in Italian means stone or rock, which is why I decided to spend the time of the “Sasso Residency” working with stone, a material still unknown to me.
Since we are surrounded by stones, rocks and mountains here, I just had to choose one to work on.
I decided to climb the Monte Gambarogno and take some stones from the top of the mountain. Monte Gambarogno is the highest mountain in the area, which watches over the entire Gambarogno area – where Vairano and the Residency are also located.
As a secret performance, without spectators, I climbed the mountain and noted about every 15 minutes the altitude and what was on my mind.
A small excerpt from the notes:
- Beginn
- Kopfbrummen durch wilde Träume und unruhigen Schlaf
- 390 m über dem Meeresspiegel
- Der Weg wird schmaler, der Hang steiler
- Ich gehe über Kastanien, Fels und Erde
- Rücken klamm und nass geschwitzt
- 840 m über dem Meeresspiegel
- spektakuläre Aussicht auf den Lago Maggiore
- der Wald ist durchzogen von grässlichem Krächzen der Krähen
- Bäume krumm und knorrig
- Fliegenpilzreste über den Weg verstreut
- 1170 m über dem Meeresspiegel
- überall Ziegenkot und Bucheckern
- leicht übersäuerte, schmerzende Oberschenkel und Waden
- friere, trage zu dünne Kleidung
- das Schreiben fällt schwer, Stift greifen auch
- 1460 m über dem Meeresspiegel
- Ziel erreicht! Gipfel des Monte Gambarogno
- zwei Steine geladen
- Rucksack liegt schwer im Rücken
- 1734 m über dem Meeresspiegel
- es regnet
- habe mich wieder gesammelt
- 1460 m über dem Meeresspiegel
- zurück im Casa Sasso
- lange heiße Dusche
- warme Kleidung
- 390 m über dem Meeresspiegel
I decided to take two stones from the mountain. One reddish, high, narrow and soft. The second bluish, cubic, and hard.

At the moment I’m trying to get acquainted with the material stone and try out how I can appropriate it without having a real roadmap.

Let’s see where the project will develop and what will eventually become of the stones!
Until then and see you soon,
Gaspar Scholl Chafirovitch – Week 1 – Locate
Sep 19, 2022
Ciao a tutti!
My name is Gaspar, I live in Berlin and I’m currently studying fine arts at Universität der Künste Berlin. I reflect a lot about the subject of time.
What different forms does time have?
How does the present relate to the ephemeral?
Life in Berlin is super fast-paced and the last few months I’ve been very busy with the collaborative work in the collective Studio Huette, as well as with my personal projects. Time was medium to organize and structure myself.
Here at Sasso, I want to use time to “be present in it” and to resynchronize.
The first week I was busy locating myself here in Vairano, at Sasso. I explored the beautiful house and gorgeous garden and munched on figs, grapes and raspberries. I walked north one day, east another, then south and finally west. Three times I ended up at some point on Lago Maggiore, which sits like a caring mother heavily in the middle of the valley. The fourth time I found myself on one of the majestic mountains that encircle the lake.
This week was all about realigning my inner compass and resetting my own clock. To decelerate.
For more information about my work and my time here at Sasso, feel free to visit my website or my instagram-account:
Instagram: gaspar.ha

Figs and grapes everywhere.