Week 2 – Gemma Copeland – Slowness

Aug 31, 2019

This week I did more writing and editing, researched and wrote about alternative digital tools, started working on my website with Piper, got better at baking bread, collaborated on the editorial concept for the next issue of STRIKE! magazine and read Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown.

Here’s my favourite except from it:

There is such urgency in the multitude of crises we face, it can make it hard to remember that in fact it is urgency thinking (urgent constant unsustainable growth) that got us to this point, and that our potential success lies in doing deep, slow, intentional work.

Here’s a photo of us doing some deep, slow, intentional work:

Sasso sunset

← Daniela Brugger – Woche 2 – Universen formen Timo Schaub – Woche 2 – Altes & Neues →