Tommaso, Claudia, M.Cecilia, Simone, Marco – Week 3

Oct 12, 2016

“If you stop looking at the landscape as an object created by humans soon you’ll discover many undecided spaces, function less and impossible to catalogate under a name.
This whole doesn’t belong to shadow’s territory neither to the light one.
Is on the borderline.
Where the wood’s fraying, on streets and rivers, in the uncultivated fields, where the cars don’t arrive.
It covers modest surfaces,disappeared, as field’s lost corner: extensive and unitary, as the peat bog, the heaths and some abandoned areas as a result of a recent disposal.

Between this scraps of landscapes none shapes similarity. Just one point in common: everyone built in a territory refuge for diversity.
Everywhere, elsewhere, is expelled.”

Gilles Clément

Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet (Macerata), 2005

(Manifeste du Tiers paysage,2004)

The matrices are completed. Ready to print!




← Tommaso, Claudia, M.Cecilia, Simone, Marco – Week 2 – – – WINTER BREAK – – – →