Si-Ying Fung – Week 2 – Movements

Jul 12, 2016

The second week has past really fast and was filled with cooking together, baking bread and visits from friends. Swimming in the lake and walking around were a constant part of these days.
When I was reading about this area in the first week I found this interesting documentary about an alternative commune called “Monte Verità”, which was founded in the beginning of the 20th century. It was located near Ascona, on the other side of the lake. The documentary focuses on the ideals the founders had and the people who came (like Hermann Hesse, Rudolf Laban and Mary Wigman) and how they projected it on this area.

Although I will not focus on this historical aspect, it was still very interesting for me and connects to the refelction of landscape and identity.

When walking up and down the mountains I extended my stone collection. Especially a sparkling type of stone seems to be typical for this region, you can even find it in the walls of the traditional houses around.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-12 um 11.48.31

It’s really nice to observe the different movements and rhythms in the surrounding: Water is running down (waterfalls and rain) and rising up (fog and clouds) the mountains around the lake and when you walk the small footpaths you can always hear the lizards in the woods and hedges of private gardens and hear people mumbling.

Last week I started to make some bigger drawings.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-12 um 11.55.20


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