Day 3: Sexercise with Tiziana Jill Beck

Sep 4, 2013

This workshop explores two different approaches to express sexual issues in art. In the first part each participant obtain three randomly chosen words in order to create a sexually associated work of art. For example “fountain-close- hermaphrodite” or “hairy-dress-eaThe second exercise is to transform one existing artwork from a selection of erotic art. The participants are asked to deal with particular aspects of the chosen artwork and reinterprete it with free choice of material and size.K52S1272K52S1268K52S1293K52S1296_K521362

Reinterpretation of Pauline Bunny by Sarah Lucas



Reinterpretation of erotic objects by Marcel Duchamp

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Reinterpretation of library by Viviane Sassen

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← Day 2: Handicap Parkour with Ray Hegelbach Day 4: Allegro ma non troppo, Hiking and Picnic in Indemini →