day 20 – Thinking Out Loud

Jul 13, 2015

Peter – The book that we’re going to make will have a slightly less action-packed narrative than could be expected with the scenery that surrounds us.
But then again, i really quite like the story about Elis that’s been unfolding during our few weeks here.
For someone who understands the intricate, technical workings of high-technology he is just as readily blown away by the something like a the sight of a lake or the view from the top of a pass.
Wow! is currently his most frequent interjection when face to face with the sublime.
On top of these massive encounters with Nature, (with a very big N) he still finds the energy to get all excited about a group of bikers riding past or the Ferrari that overtakes us on the hairpin bend.
And the need for the sensational doesn’t stop him from seeing the banal, or the overlooked, the weeds in the garden or the (pretty impressive) beetle he picked up out of the gutter.
He’s become an expert at seeing lizards, whereas before I would criticise his seeming indifference to the little things that catch my attention, now i’m the clumsy oaf, tripping up over everything!
His capacity to grasp notions like God saving Swiss autobilists, or Galileo’s astronomical theories doesn’t stop him from spending hours watching stuff on YouTube.
I love this level of inconsistency!
It’s time now to see what we can come up with together, with all that…

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