Annina Haab – Week 2 – looking for aspects in a haystack

Aug 26, 2017

Some recent thoughts or maybe rather questions related to my work

what is mine, and what is not? as “the” text is changing, am I so? Who’s whom? Is it mine or am I his/its?
what means authorship, not in view of a society/public, but in view of myself and the text?

as I am changing is the text changing as well? the text is changing me, whilst I let the language emerge from my body, whilst I decide or at least seem making decisions concerning it’s form, style and appearance, isn’t there a change performed on me? isn’t there something that is cumbersome and bulky, that declines any use, that tries to topple over, to become self-determined and self-contained, to become a self.
should I then allow? (if it was up to me) Should this be the aim?
Is it so us speaking? Where and where from do we speak?
What is the unmentionable “before”: necessity for any „language-appearance“
What is presence, what is pre-sense and pre-sentence, (what is only pre-tense only pre-tentious)

Is there a materiality in language? Is there anything else than our voice that is bounding a speech to our body? Some call the voice the actual material side of language, this is, to my mind, but our materality, occurring in sound, which is non-material as language is non-material, so is it maybe us, the materiality of the language. To occur, language is depending on a transmitter which will be himself material but will always be something from which language in itself is not depending, such as we will not evaluate the same text as a different piece of language whether we hear it or read it, whether we hear it recorded or live, whether we read it on paper or a screen. Same words, same order: same text.

The form of the text is not the languages form. The languages form is the text.

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