Was Anderes? – Week 1 – Was wird anders, wenn man es anders sagt?
Jul 23, 2017
We are neither sociologists nor psychologists nor politicians nor economists: we are Maia Gusberti, Miriam Hempel, Michaela Schwentner, Nik Thoenen and Nicolas Galeazzi. We are here. Enjoying time and space under reduced influence of info-smog and increased concentration on meaning, leasure, debate and play.
Facing the current populist developments in euro-american politics and society, it seems to be useful and constructive to exercise the questioning and the revision of popular terms in relation to their social and philosophical relevance.
In order to grasp the notions of our time, we want to use the Sasso residency to dispute these developments from an artistic perspective. In an experimental setting, by using methods of design, performance, poetry and photography we investigate the experienced meaning of political terms.
The experience so far shows us: ‚definition‘ is rather a practice then a conclusion. It seems to us, ‘de-fining’ is rather a practice of breaking with the finite (‘de-‘ing), then ‚bringing-something-to-an-end‘, as the online-etymology of ‘define’ suggests.
Rather than finding the proper and politically correct use of terms, the next phase is dedicated to collecting methodologies of re-appropriating, re-connecting, re-understanding and embodying terms.