veronika haller und simone körner

May to June 2024
„in your eyes i get lost i get washed away” – Tina Turner
four weeks looking at, with, through each other. Softest hard.
What makes a look queer, how to write love in a picture? Can we spell out BODY in facist times, in a genocidal presence? Where to sexuate A SELF amidst the lines of force?
Is being/ remaining/ becoming soft a privileged position? Softness. How do you love somebody? looking at you is not easy. looking at HER is not easy. SHE is somebody else’s story streaming through our lives. To transition is to die in the middle of life. A process of death is always convulsive, when a body dies it contracts. So much tension before release. Absterben. Too much tension is blocking our capacity to feel. Which sometimes is necessary to survive. Softness? It is complicated. A friend learned in her body practice that ego is unnecessary muscular tension. Another friend wrote egos don’t drop, they fall. In love. Mutually. My ego is not falling but melting in your presence. In somebody else’s presence it gets washed away. It can also crush. Softness.
In the words of hopelessness:
“Tell me some more of your dreams, or if you can cut me,
to be near again to the fires outside, or crisp and even snow.”[1]
It rains a lot in Sasso. braiding lavender licking tears smelling sweat chasing waterfalls breathing fireflys swallowing rain drinking grappa. The water tastes so good. It is a wild mix of minerals rolling down our throats. We are searching for a possibility to look at each other, through a camera. We are searching for a document of an (im)possible life, of an (im)possible love. Call it queer as in fuck your borders.
[1] Spott, Verity: Hopelessness, the 87 press 2020, p.88